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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Sunday, December 17, 2006

spoil-er of the month - i hate workaholic, i hate u

how would u feel if u realised your plan has been spoilt, ur dreams have been shattered? 1st its genting, den now even the holidays are spoilt.

its fine with me to take unpaid to go tour with you, even if its just genting. its fine with me to find out its a coy trip. but its not so fine with me to know that the trip is a pure biz trip n he will be working the whole trip lor. who wants to spend more than $600 just for a genting trip n u got to play alone lor. its so shit lor.

its fine with me when he told me we have to spend the xmas eve at his coy cos they have a xmas party. but its not fine when we have to do the same for new year eve! damn it! might as well stay n live at the coy lar.

i simply cannot understand y these pple enjoy staying in coy so much. so much life they have. actually i wasnt very happy when i knew that we have to spend xmas eve with his colleagues. but i tort, ok lor. compromise abit bah. i can understand they will need some bonding sessions and this is a gd chance for them to do bonding actually. but who needs to do bonding every week lar.

can someone enlightening me on this? y shd i keep my cool? if i feel indifference on whether we are spending time during these festive seasons, will he be happier? if i really feel indifference, i seriously think that no point we continue the path le. perhaps he really thinks so. perhaps i m the only one thinking that its frustrating. perhaps n i really think so.... give me a reason, anyone pls.........

sometimes these just make me feel so dishearted...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Monday, November 13, 2006

silly grin :D
Sunday, November 12, 2006

the mia me

hahaa hihi~ i m back!

yeah the lazy me finally blog again. yest, i came across this scene and i almost rofl!

when was the last time you helped to cover your soft toys with blankets for fear that they might get cold??? mine was when i was in primary i guess. hahaaa

the above belongs to an act of a 21-year old. pengz. cannot make it leh.....

Sunday, October 08, 2006

my luck with guys - bad
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

1month of blogging

wonder y i nv blog recently? 1 word. LAZY. haha i logged onto the net everyday and kept wanting to blog everyday and yet i kept postponing everyday! haa. so u wonder what have i been doing online. nothing much. i read people's blogs and played games. ya. i m into spider solitaire. haaha how unglam hor. nvm. here i m, blogging again. and i m going to blog about the past 1 mth's issue! hahaa

so many things happened, happy and sad. whenever i felt sad or happy, i felt like blogging but my mind just went blank whenever i m in this screen. duhz..

now, i m happy. y? cos my dear is treating me well. haa. call me a simple gal, nvm. he did not do much, he just do enough, enough for me to feel loved. muack~ i had been behaving like some siao char bo recently and think had given him some hard time. but he managed to make me smile at the end of the day. =)

met up with AL & Lam for dinner. jokers forever. we ate at botan at fesq. yummy yum. den we went to teh tarik for drink. chatted, gossiped thru out the night. used to dread going to fesq, especially seeing pushcarts gave me headache. now, i only have a sense of relief. that was how bad it was.

was trying to teach S to learn mj so that we can have enough kahkis. J & LK were so enthusiastic that they even gave her a set of notes on mj!!! hahaaa told S that reading is not enough. only hands on will make her memorise all the things. as the saying goes, practise makes perfect. haa~

had our d&d on last fri. it was a full day event. we had our press conference for the furniture industry award followed by annual general meeting, our election and selection of committee members, finally d&d. bz day indeed. but still we managed to squeeze out some time to do our hair. hair was done by one of our colleagues' friend. though everyone told me it looked nice, i didnt really like it. made me look so old...... dear thought so too. so i m not going to upload the pics for u to c. hehehee

finally i got to eat at waraku. only then i realised i had eaten at waraku before! it was the branch at east coast. went there with godpa and j n who??? i forgot. but nvm. was celebrating ro's birthday in advance with jy. will upload the pics for u to c later. cos they looked nice. hehee like the food served. though i thought the sashimi in the salad was a bit pathetic. i still craved for jap food now.......

watched Stay Alive after the dinner. short and nice show~ so many shows are coming up. Death Note, The Departed, World Trade Centre....... somemore but i forgot the titles. mainly ghostly shows. i love ghost movies~

i couldnt meet my targets for my design initiatives. sad. i couldnt get the speakers for our forum. sad. how come i cant seem to fulfil my job requirements??? sad. next tues is the 1st judging day. hopefully everything will go on smoothly. *cross fingers*

hmmm...... jer was trying to organize some outings but our dear ex lao gong was a darn bz man. always rejected jer. sense, pls go and do some soul searching & shun bian organise some outing again leh. lets hv jap food then ktv k? no one is allowed to leave before 12midnite. hahaa~

ok. time to catch some beauty sleep. going to hv my reg checkup tmr. going to ask the doc how come my tummy is so darn ugly n its outofshape!!! tmd~ maddening!
















Love is not about two persons gazing at each other. It is about two persons looking ahead together in the same direction.

~ Chatting>
~ Cycling
~ Dry Swimming
~ Reading
~ Working (lol)

~ Singing
~ Sleeping
~ Rotting @ Home
~ Eating
~ Drawing
~ Provoking My Bro

~ Hypocrites
~ Liars
~ Bullies
~ Overly Ambitious People
~ Egoistic People

~ Money
~ House
~ Car
~ Be a TaiTai :D


BalaClava NiteOut
30th Anniversary

September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007